Highlights from April, 2022 General Meeting

for Texas House Representative District 122
Elisa Chan
is running for election to the Texas House of Representatives to represent District 122. She is on the ballot in the Republican primary runoff on May 24, 2022. She advanced from the Republican primary on March 1, 2022.

Mark Dorazio
Small businessman, former Bexar County GOP Chairman, 2020 RPT Platform Chairman, and Current SREC SD 25 Committeeman will be on the ballot in the Republican primary runoff on May 24, 2022.
Spring Bonnet/Hat Contest

All of these beautiful women donned their spring bonnets to ring in the Spring Season! Donna Russell took first place this year with her spring hat of flowers, birds and butterflies. This hat will also be auctioned off at the May Fundraising Event coming up in May!
Recognized Volunteers with most hours provided to SARW